martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

Rock Band

Titulo: Band of Rock
Hello in this blog we write the proyects we will develop.
The first proyect is The Band of rock,
we got into teams that will work as rock bands, the names of these bands are:
1.- The Rock Ghost Band
2.- What do you care!
3.- Assessins
4.- The Dark Orchestra

Members of each band:
In The Rock Ghost Band the members are: Carlos, Sergio, Mario and Kevin
In What do you care! the members are: Daniela, Laura, Pilar. Itzel, Ana, Paola and Samantha
In Assessins the members are: Alan, Hector, Eduardo (El amigo), Alvaro and Bor
In The Dark Orchestra the members are: Sebastian, Ricardo, Santiago, Luis and Rodrigo(Bob o Pato)